There are so many different massages today, and each one promises a unique technique. But is it really so? How massages differ and what sensations are the norm, we will learn from a specialist.
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Massage is a combination of different techniques, and the main difference lies in the goal pursued by the masseur – complete relaxation, removal of muscle clamps, prevention of various musculoskeletal diseases, strengthening of the muscles. As a rule, all methods combine not only the achievements of Western civilization but also the best Eastern experience of therapy.
There is also a difference in the time spent on a particular procedure. Relaxing massage can last from 1-2 hours. Therapeutic from 30 minutes (back massage) to an hour (general massage). Sports massage sessions can be half an hour or an hour and a half, either as a preparation for competitions (in this case the goal is to warm up the body, increase stretching, strengthen muscles, joints and ligaments) or after training to relieve muscle tension.
If you have not come for a relaxing massage, but for sports or therapeutic massage, unpleasant painful sensations are certainly possible. Because the pain can occur due to the squeezing of a particular problem area of muscle tissue. The problem area, in this case, should be understood as a fragment or even a whole muscle, which is in a reduced/tensed state. Such muscle at rest when you are resting (in this case lying on the massage table) is not relaxed, therefore the blood circulation, supply of nutrients, and oxygen is disturbed and metabolic processes are disturbed. It is as if the muscle is always in a tone, “at work”. In order to relax, you have to make an effort.
Of course, the pain that the client may experience during the massage must be tolerable. That is why it is necessary to tell about all your sensations to a specialist because a massage session is joint work.
After the massage it is necessary to change your usual regime of water consumption – you need to drink more water because during the session not only the muscles are activated, but also the lymphatic system, the blood circulation increases, so the unnecessary products should leave the body in the shortest time. If after the session the appetite wakes up, you should not immediately run out to eat caloric food. Wait at least half an hour.
After the massage, you can take a bath with salt, rest, or go for a walk. Strength training and exercises in the gym are not recommended – on the contrary, they should be preceded by a massage. Massage can be combined with a visit to the sauna, with its own peculiarities. Relaxing massage is preferable before the sauna, light lymph drainage, or anti-cellulite massage after it. But no revitalizing or sports massages or massages in the bath/sauna, where there is already increased stress on the body.
All types of massage are performed in a course of at least 10 procedures. This applies to both lymphatic drainage, anti-cellulite and therapeutic massage. One procedure is not enough to get the necessary effect and to consolidate it. Apparatus types of massage are also performed during the course and in combination with other cosmetic procedures. The only exception is the relaxation massage: here you can, of course, based on your abilities and desires.
If we are talking about pain in the back, lower back, cervical spine, and so on, then you really need a consultation with an orthopedic surgeon, neurologist, physiotherapist. Because in this case, massage is one of the ways of treatment, in addition to others (drugs, acupuncture, physiotherapy, physical therapy). In addition, you will have to take pictures, establish a diagnosis, which will allow the most complete approach to therapy. Only a doctor, based on the collected medical history and in the absence of contraindications, can appoint a massage procedure. Naturally, a doctor’s consultation and the availability of X-rays are necessary in case of injuries, including sports injuries.