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Stop drinking coffee: how to give up "dope" gently and find energy efficiently

  • Posted 2 года ago

If you’re a caffeine addict and don’t even keep track of how many cups a day you consume, it’s worth thinking about, because the negative effects on the body from large amounts of caffeine are not a myth. We tell you how you can give up coffee without stressing your body.

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Rarely a day begins without a cup of aromatic coffee. This drink tones you up, evokes a feeling of joy (theanine in it increases the production of dopamine), contains a large number of amino acids, vitamins, and minerals. But if you start abusing it, it can do more harm than good.

The caffeine contained in the favorite drink can be addictive. But that’s not all – it doesn’t contribute to the energy rush that everyone feels, but actually prevents the inhibition processes in the body. The brain just doesn’t get the signals that rest is needed. Is that helpful? Of course not!

The next negative factor is the effect on the sensitive receptors in the heart and kidneys. Drinking too much coffee increases the heart rate and causes frequent urination.

What problems go away when you stop drinking coffee

You may not notice the effects of stopping drinking the invigorating drink right away. But some problems will disappear without coffee:

1. Fertility. Drinking large quantities of coffee can affect your hormones and indirectly affect your fertility. Research has shown that beverages containing caffeine have a negative influence on fertility, even if only to a small degree.

2. Insomnia. Caffeine prevents the signal of fatigue from reaching the brain and therefore prevents proper sleep. According to a study, it increases the effect of forced insomnia.

3. Low immunity. The adrenal glands and thyroid directly affect our immunity, and large amounts of caffeine can impair their function. The drink stimulates the production of cortisol by the adrenal glands, which puts the body under stress. When this happens, the body’s glands go haywire. So say the authors of a 2016 meta-review released in the journal Current Opinion in Psychology.

4. Addiction. Migraines, fatigue may occur in the absence of coffee. The drink stimulates the nervous system, due to which a physical dependence develops, which is even included in the ICD-10 classification of diseases under the code F 15.

One way to get rid of addiction

If you have room in your day for one or two cups of coffee, you like the taste and it doesn’t harm your health (no palpitations or dizziness), then everything is fine.

Another issue is if you have a real addiction to coffee and can’t live a day without the drink. Or you have difficulty waking up without a serving of caffeine. Here it is important to understand the reasons for the lack of energy, why there is little energy. Usually, the problem is that you may be wasting it on stress, fears, vampire people. Meditation can help you address these issues and make up for the lack of energy.

Start small with the simplest breathing practice. Take a comfortable position in a ventilated quiet place (sitting, back straight). Close your eyes, concentrate on your breath. Inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth, taking your time. And feel, as cool air enters through nostrils, heats in a larynx, and leaves already warm through a mouth. It’s a good idea to go through the meditation with an instructor. But, even starting with such a simple and small practice, after a while you are sure to see the effect.

Meditation helps to cheer up and get rid of anxious thoughts, works great with the nervous system. Therefore, this practice is a great way to cope with a caffeine addiction and increase neuroplasticity and awareness.

If you start meditating instead of drinking coffee, you will:

1. You’ll be able to wake up easily without extra dope, as the practice affects the activation of the parasympathetic nervous system;

2. You will increase a level of productivity, being in a quiet, balanced state and having time to do a lot of things;

3. Get rid of headaches, the reason of which in most cases is tension;

4. Regular meditation will help not only to get rid of the desire to drink coffee all the time, but also to improve the quality of life in general, make the work of the mind clearer and purer, and the mood even.

If without coffee you are aggressive, feel the collapse of energy and nervous agitation, if you constantly want to drink a cup of invigorating drink, think, maybe it’s time to do something about this addiction? Give up coffee and let your body recover.

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