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What the Year of the Tiger prepares for us: Chinese horoscope for 2022 for all signs

  • Posted 2 года ago

The year 2022, the year of the Water Tiger, is already being felt more and more strongly. And we’re not just talking about Christmas decorations. The energetic changes inherent to each time period are already gradually taking their rightful effect.

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According to the Chinese calendar, the New Year comes on February 1, but we will feel the energies of the coming period already now– they do not change on one particular day, it happens much smoother.

A special trend in 2022 will be the strong development of areas such as digital technology, online entrepreneurship, and spiritual knowledge. Also flourishing will be all areas that relate to beauty and body health– massage, fitness, healthy living, and longevity.


You can make excellent progress in the field of career and learning in 2022. Good prospects await those representatives of this sign who want to realize themselves in education and deepening of knowledge, increase their recognition and succeed in matters of business activity.

The year will be conducive to any undertakings. Courageously take matters into your own hands and move up the career ladder. The year 2022 may open new perspectives for your manifestation and new opportunities and perspectives.

Be careful with your health, especially the genitourinary system.


A fertile and prosperous year awaits those Bulls who manage to put their lives in order and resurrect long-forgotten ambitions.

Before the beginning of the year be sure to make a strategy for the next 365 days, which leave room not only for money but also for personal achievements. It is very important to maintain a balance in all spheres, not to become a workaholic or an excessive homebody.

Leave room in your life for joy, fun, and leisure. This year will definitely surprise you.


Here comes your year. A great time to build your ideal life – prosperity in affairs, harmonious relationships, abundance, and prosperity.

All your plans can be implemented, buying real estate, resolving documentary issues, opening new sources of income are possible. But like the bulls – opportunities will open only to the hardworking representatives of this sign.

Be careful with their straightforwardness and some rigidity, think more before you say something, especially if it is a criticism or a controversial judgment.

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In 2022, your life will be full of interest and new discoveries. You’ll be at the peak of your business activity, but your pressure may be excessive, especially if you channel it into the family instead of external social fulfillment.

The risks of living the year in high tones are high, the desire to prove your point and point people to their shortcomings will be very high. Reduce your level of criticism, it is better to focus the energy on your own development and improvement of quality of life.

Every time you want to teach someone a valuable lesson, it is better to ask yourself what can I do right now for my own personal growth?


The time for ease comes to the representatives of this sign in the year of the Tiger. First of all, this will manifest itself in the sphere of relationships: flirting, romance, and new acquaintances are possible.

Not always the energy will be for building long-term and promising relationships, keep a sober head if you want respect from the opposite sex.

Avoid impulsive decisions next year, it is very important to balance your state and mood. Your main stabilizer could be new knowledge. Anyone who learns or educates will have success in business.


Ambition, speed, and determination should prevail in your life. But don’t forget your dignity and don’t rush to the first success. It is important for you to make the best of the opportunities that will open up for you since February 2022.
Be prudent and patient. In this case, you will hit the jackpot, including in family matters.

In general, the year favors the hard-working and manifested in your life snakes. Open yourself up to this world and collect the bonuses you’re entitled to.

Sometimes it can feel like life is getting out of hand, relax and don’t let circumstances derail your plans.

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Your past efforts will bear fruit in the coming year, diligence and diligence are sure to be rewarded.

Both the good and the bad within you will be strengthened. Be careful with your thoughts and actions in the coming year – it will be very reciprocal, it will bring exactly what you yourself broadcast to the world.

It’s a great time to come out of the shadows, assert yourself, show your leadership position and your own opinion. Keep optimism and hope and give them to yourself and your loved ones.


Try to avoid risky activities, paying close attention to everything is the key to success. Do not strain yourself at work and in daily life because you may burn out and lose motivation.

It is favorable to prevent diseases and lead a healthy lifestyle. The weakest health problems could be the gastrointestinal tract and abdominal organs.

Your big task for the year is to take care of yourself, learn to relax, and enjoy life without stress.


Strong spiritual and physical transformations are coming to you. The year can be very intense in explosive and unexpected situations.

Be careful in all areas of life – the desire for change may escalate, but make only carefully considered decisions. It is better not to force events and not to make grand plans, as everything will be very unpredictable in any case.

The year may present both moving house and a global purge of the environment.

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The year 2022 brings the energy of frugality and sobriety. Try to exclude naivety and shifting responsibility from your life, especially in matters of handling money and business. Do not get involved in risky or knowingly losing projects.

In the coming year, complete all processes that needlessly waste your energy – strive for complete freedom from burdensome circumstances and people.

It is useful to turn to spirituality, to engage in practices and rituals for the fulfillment of desires.


You are having a year of rapid growth both spiritually and in your career – it is very relevant to invest in yourself in different ways. It’s also time to think about the sublime– the search for a spiritual path will be relevant for those who seek happiness and harmony.

The year 2022 will be especially good for you if you believe that help can come from different places and you know how to accept it.

Try to find mentors and patrons this year, they can take you to the next level of life, provided you can follow their recommendations and advice with due diligence.


Under the patronage of the tiger, your chances of a favorable resolution of any affairs are multiplied. However, the speed of the year must necessarily be matched. Be sure to get out of your comfort zone– create challenges for yourself, otherwise, the year will simply create conditions for your personal growth under the pressure of force majeure circumstances.

It’s a great time for moving towards the life of your dreams, showing courage and firmness, which at other times is not typical for you at all.

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