Not always, when applying for a service, we get what we expected. But it happens that instead of solving our problems, we are faced with even bigger ones. How to understand if you booked a professional or a person who only pretends to be him?
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What should alert you in the first place during a massage session? The first visit to a specialist is always indicative because not only an acquaintance but also the collection of anamnesis takes place there. A professional massage therapist will certainly take an interest not only in what brought you to his studio but also in what concomitant diseases you have, whether there were any injuries, whether you are being treated by some specialists.
Do not forget that massage, like any other medical procedure, has not only indications but also an extensive list of contraindications.
When choosing a specialist, you need to look not only for a trusted person with experience and recommendations but also for someone who has at least a secondary medical education, this is especially important in the case when the purpose of treatment is pain, the consequences of injuries.
A person who has retrained from some related profession into a massage therapist, and who has completed a two-month advanced training course, may simply not know anatomy — keep this in mind. Therefore, at the first appointment, do not hesitate to ask a specialist about the availability of a diploma and certificates confirming his right to provide services.
Remember that a good specialist must necessarily possess the skills of classical therapeutic massage.
Acupressure, reflex-segmental, and some other types of massage are additional bonuses and are based on the classical technique. If a specialist only knows Thai massage or cosmetology, then you should not expect treatment of diseases from him.
Pay attention to the number of clients of the massage therapist: if there are too few of them, then this indicates that the clients are most likely not happy with them. If the time is scheduled by the hour, and the business is “on stream”, it means that the person is too busy with the financial side, has little rest, and this will certainly affect the quality of services.
If the massage is carried out correctly, then after the session you will feel the warmth spreading throughout the body, a surge of strength, your mood will definitely improve. It is believed that the highest score for a well-performed procedure is the state of relaxation and sound sleep afterward.
After the massage, there should be no bruises, deterioration of health, pain. There should be no dizziness, a state of weakness. All these symptoms indicate that the service was provided to you of poor quality, and you should think about finding another specialist.
Looking for the best massage therapist? Find and book one today!